Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This and That...

Nothing profound or even a bit interesting to say right now....just checking in so I don't get permanently branded as a 'slacker' by bloglandia! Very rough wake up call this morning which is bastante diferente para las chicas! Usually, my morning doves, need nothing more than the distant buzz of my alarm clock to rouse them for school and it's me hitting the snooze a million times. Winter cold and morning after a long weekend both contributing factors I suspect! While I was extremely tempted to roll back into bed, after they left, I stayed up and worked very diligently...sort of! Patrick had 'heard' of a new site on-line that had just come up with a bunch of birth/marriage records from the late 1800's in his hometown in Ireland. Not being computer comfortable, he had me go in search of said site and we hit the jackpot!! Printed off countless pages of records of his grandparents' generation and found a few interesting tidbits. Seems his grandfather was the godfather to LOTS of children in the parish leading us to suspect that Patrick's father probably got his gift of gab from his grandfather...who did not pass it down to my very quiet Patrick! It was a classic example of why Americans have a tough time tracing down records from overseas, though! Patrick's 'hometown', which is more like a smattering of houses on the side of a mountain (which my family call Brigadoon because it only appears for Mahoneys...a.k.a.-impossible to find unless you know where you're going), was spelled NINE different ways in the records...a few of which took quite a creative license with the pronunciation. Before we knew it the clock was chiming noon?!?!? So after this quick post I've got to get back to sewing and laundry!!! Just another shot of the girls watching Andrew's tournament showing how even though we were 'inside' we still needed our winter wear (: The girls just about died when I stopped in Target and whipped out my camera to snap this picture. They felt like it was 'illegal or something'! Just thought I'd note how the new spring line out in the Junior section had a certain influence....hmm? Did get one of the Valentine's outfits photographed and up on eBay! This is a 4t set using one of the denim skirts that Rhonda had sent for my little enterprise. A back shot of the 4t set which has a NWT long sleeved tee, to which I added the front motif, to pair up with the EUC denim skirt. One more Valentine dress to finish and photograph and then I think I'll head onto St. Patrick's Day and some Disney themed spring break outfits.


  1. isn't it bad how you can get sucked into the computer and the day is gone. Still very neat at all the stuff you can find.

  2. sometimes I turn around and look at the clock and shish the day is gone. cute cute valentine's outfit. it's so cool to find geneological nuggets.

  3. Chloe is about into a 4t. I want that outfit! How do I get it?

  4. Love the outfit - so pretty! I wish I knew how to sew.

  5. OMG gorgeous Suzanne. Dang, you need to let me know when you get an outfit done!!! I wish I had checked in earlier but with a house full of strep, bronchitis and asthma, I'm about plum tired out!!! CUTE CUTE CUTE
