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So much for a series of blog posts about the past week! With the return to school on Monday morning, I'm finding my computer time extremely limited and so I'm wimping out with this one, huge, picture heavy post! It's been so crazy this vacation holiday that I've not spent even ONE MINUTE in the sewing room in the past two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As promised, I'm starting with a very few taken on Christmas day. It seems that there really weren't that many 'cute' pictures on any one's camera!
On my feet long enough to get Christmas dinner on the table! We set it out buffet style and let everyone serve themselves since the work schedules and plumbing crisis were conspiring against a big happy group seating. Uncle Steven and Uncle Peter make a rare picture appearance here!
This would be a picture Auntie Peggy got of me starting to fade...but I never fully succumbed to the vertigo that day!
Just so Julia!!! Forced into a 'girly' Christmas outfit she accessorized with the hoodie and SpongeBob slippers.
My Dad made it in on Christmas Eve from Sarasota and Auntie Peggy got an official Christmas kiss caught on film! The progressive day took it's toll on the octogenarians who barely stayed upright until all the gifts were open.
Andrew with the "Oh, yeah!" grin as he opened the much hoped for gaming system!
Auntie Peggy with the "What the heck" look as she unwrapped a gift in a box from a children's clothing store...c'mon Auntie Peggy but who keeps reminding us of the reuse, renew, recycle mantra?!?!
Too bad Patrick had to work! Would have been nice to get a family shot on Christmas. Auntie Peggy's been trying her darnedest to get us off to the local conservatory before the poinsettia display is pulled down but I'm thinking our next family picture will be amongst the Easter lily display...
As if all the togetherness on Christmas Day wasn't enough, Auntie Peggy decided to sponsor a cousin's taco and game night! How you know it was a hit?
When the guacamole bowl is scraped down to that proverbial "last mouthful"!
Sadly, baby brother Kelty never got the message and sat hoping against hope that someone was going to drop him a snack! Then again, he's ALWAYS sitting hoping that someone is going to provide him with people food!!
I'd go into detail on the game of Life that occurred but you'd really have to have been there and know the personalities a little better to understand why grown women were standing with crossed legs as they laughed uncontrollably! Poor Alyssa was the brunt of a bulk of the laughter...
that would be our future beautician living in a trailer park with her hubby and two kids! This hilarity was as a result of her being offered the option to upgrade her a double-wide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew and Julia were really enjoying their front seat view of little Deirdre trying to drive her double decker car around the board...because she had SEVEN children. Too bad no one had film running when she landed on the "lose your job" square!!! Two little hands clutching the sides of her desperate face as she cried, "But I have SEVEN children to feed!!!" sent a few of us dashing for the nearest bathroom. My adoption buddies can "get" my particularly doubled over laughing as Mairead announced that she was going to take "the family route" because she wanted children and Mari in all seriousness said, "I tried that and it doesn't work." OMG!!!!!!! Out of the mouths of babes!!
We've been getting our fair share of snow and cold this season! Not too bad but since I'm not a huge fan it's been more than enough for my liking. I must say though, that there is one aspect of a Christmas night snow that makes me smile....
the way Christmas lights look as they shine through the snow!
Julia is my snow bunny! Ever since the first accumulation arrived she has been on my case to take her to the sledding hill in town...the BIG sledding hill. One small detail, the BIG hill requires about a block long trudge from the nearest parking lot!! So I compromised and agreed to take her to one of the lesser hills where I could park at the bottom and stay in the warm car while she frolicked!
In the car we packed snow boards, sleds, and tubes. Julia did them all!!
See, this is the part that keeps me in the car...trudging back to the top!!
All these rides down on the snow board made for one very.....
thirsty little girl!! She kept coming back to the car to rehydrate and with every visit she put out an offer for either Mari or I to join her. When we declined, she moved on to the tube.
The tube is a tad big and awkward for a nine year old to manage on her own...
but never underestimate the powers to be found when one wants something so badly!
Back again for more to drink!! The water bottle had been emptied and she was actually drinking an old, flat diet Coke that was in my cup holder, ugh!
Down coat and heated car made for one happy Mom...but one lonely sledder so I caved!
As I walked towards the hill I just knew I had made a mistake.....
because it meant my camera was in the hands of someone just gleeful to catch Mom freaking out as she's about to go over the drop! It was a blast though and I think a good thing for my foggy head.
So I stayed at the top of the hill and caught a few shots......
PAYBACK!!!!!!!That ought to teach you to take unflattering pictures of me!
But how I wish I could still pop back up and do it all over again with the ease of a nine year old!!
Just a pretty shot of some berries left on a shrub near the hill...
and she's baaaaaack! Only this time she's working on her sister to join the fun.
Remember my reading girl? On the beach, in the bed, on the couch, in the car, where ever she can bring a book! But I just knew that she secretly was hoping the sledding was going to be more fun than reading otherwise, why didn't she stay home to read in the comfort of the house????
Yes! The lure of the hill was too great and I gladly handed over my scarf and gloves so she could take on the hill!!
Awww, so nice to see them actually sharing and having a blast while they're at it!
This brings us right up to last night!! On a questionable whim, I agreed to Auntie Peggy's suggestion to host an impromptu New Year's Eve party. Always question where my backbone is at these moments?
It was a small group. Just my Dad, Auntie Peggy, Alyssa and her boyfriend Alex........gulp, yes it's niece is now officially a teenager. I'm so not ready for the whole boyfriend thing!!!
Why is it that the tiniest of girls seem to pick the biggest of the boys?? Little 4' 10'' size 3 shoe Alyssa with 6'0" size 15 shoe Alex?!?!? Anyhow, Andrew, Mari, Julia, Patrick, myself, and our dear friends Mike, Mariann, Molly, and Mary Kate rounded out the gathering.
Andrew tried to show Grandpa how to navigate a PS2 racing game....Grandpa decided he was a better spectator!
Crazy midwesterner! Somehow bar-be-que chicken and steak sounded like a good idea when we planned the's the 20 degree night we forgot to plan around!
One of our 'traditions' is to ring in the New Year with sweets...there were plenty more too!!
The kids thought we wouldn't rise to their dare to don party hats!!
The gang gathering to celebrate New York New Year....when the party has ended in years past...because we were in SARASOTA! How we wish we were there again but alas who knows when we'll see Lido Beach again?
Did I mention that it was 20 degrees and FALLING last night?!??! Mariann was not going out to 'ring in' the New Year without the proper outer wear.
Can you say WIRED?!?!? Julia and Mary Kate were soooooo giddy at the prospect of running outside on the stroke of midnight to make all the noise they could! Good thing they slept in late this morning because I'm thinking there was a neighbor or two who were laying in wait to pelt them with snowballs this morning!! Julia spent that whole air horn running up and down the block at midnight!!
Now I'm off to try and settle down a sleepover gone hyper....yes, another spineless moment of weakness. How can you say no to the last night for a sleepover with your cousins before the 'back to school' regime has to begin??
What a great long post! Looks like you have had a fun Christmas break. We have too but I am looking forward to Monday morning and getting my house and computer back from teenagers!! Happy New Year!!!
ReplyDeleteYou guys have all the fun!!!! The snow looks beautiful and that is a great shot of the snow on top of the lights. I wish we could go sledding around here. Looks like so much fun!
ReplyDeleteI tell you that you all look like one FUN family! too bad about the 7 kids and no job ha ha ha. Oh we resue around here, what is more fun to get a gift in a normal box or a tampon box? leave it to my mom, you never know what might be in it!
ReplyDeletewhat a post! wow. love the shot of you on the tube with your eyeballs popping out. and oh to do ANYthing that a nine year old could do !! alas. love the party hats and Julia's spongebob slippers, and Mari is a girl after my own heart, with her reading. I love love to read. and the shot of you and patrick in the New year's hats is the best! happy new year.
ReplyDeleteLooks like your holidays were great!! New Year's eve was very quite around here but much enjoyed!! We'll catch up soon!
ReplyDeleteWhat a ton of fun you guys always have. I so loved that sledding picture! You are one brave soul!!!! Happy new year my friend, Rhonda