After another night of heavy rain and thunderstorms, these two found an interesting little spot in Mother Nature. What are they looking at??
Rain water run-off!!
Practicing her creek crossing skills (-; The lure of the water was, of course, too strong to resist and I did have a set of muddy shoes and play clothes to wash!
I must admit I was a tiny bit tempted to join in the leaf races and pebble tossing that seems to go hand in hand with rushing water....but I really, really hate walking in wet, squishy shoes. While I ran the load of wet muddy cloths in the machine the girls bathed.... THE LAKE!!! The funny thing about being 'regulars' up at the lake is that none of the grown-ups mind if you use their boat as a diving board. This is a good thing for a family who has no boat!
Boy, I've really been trying to get her to stop holding that nose.....
Wondering what caused her to make this face?
Yep, at least one of my girls is fine when Mother Nature gets up close and personal!
She tried catching these tiny toads that hop around the woods up here but those buggers have proven to be SPEEDY. BFF/Cousin Deirdre is a nature lover as well so they spend hours tromping through the underbrush in search of adventure. So far they've watched two fawns frolic in a glade and found and old abandoned house over grown with vines....besides the toads ...and mosquitoes!!
Poor Mari, so much like my older cousin. Maya and I have been catching tree frogs, snakes and today a blue tailed skink, unfortunelty he lost his tail since the dog was trying to eat him, but lucky for him he will grow another.