Saturday, March 6, 2010


So excited to show you guys the latest outfit I've been working on!! I've just listed it on eBay and hope this is something that can help keep this little 'sewing rush' on track. The time to refill the food basket account is looming so needless to say I'm motivated at the moment.

Had gotten a deal on some Guatemalan flag bandannas and wasn't sure what to do with them. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. A few things I'll tweek on the next one I make but nothing major....unless it flops on eBay!

Here's a close up of the bandanna portion. I was actually bummed when they first arrived because the blue is too royal in comparison to the Guatemalan sky blue. Once the floral piece floated to the surface of my piles though I suddenly 'saw the light'.

I did button closures because I'm not sure how much longer the knot style would be appreciated. I'm going to see if I can find a deal on some cuter buttons since they are one of the costs I need to keep down to actually make money to put in the food basket account .

 They are items 120539861788 and 120539865123 on eBay if you're interested.

Those of you who kindly ordered Easter items will be receiving follow-up e-mails soon! I have most all of the orders under way except for those of you waiting on fabric choice pictures. I snapped those today and will have those off in the e-mails too.


  1. beautiful. great fabrics and colors all put together so perfectly! you wouldn't think they'd match and wow they do. so cool.

  2. That is my favorite one yet! your talent is just amazing, I know I say that everytime but really. I am goign to check them out on ebay, although I am suppose to be saving everything I can for this adoption, it can't hurt to look.

  3. I WANT ONE!!! HEEE but you know that!!! ;o)

  4. CAn you do anything with those Guat. scarves for little boys??
