Growl!!!!!!!!!!!! Been fighting this new camera long enough. All of the pictures of the two spring outfits I have shown here were taken with the same lighting and camera why the uneven quality??? This was supposed to be a LOW overhead start up so that the maximum amount of money could go to an account to provide aid to Mari's birthfamily and help with shipping all the shoes I'm collecting down to Guatemala! The labels came and were reasonably priced.....

I have feelers out to get this boring Blogspot template BLINGED and hope to find a reasonably priced geek/graphic designer who can get an eBay template designed as well! The photography is just sooooo sub-par and I know it's the CHEAP, CHEAP camera I bought to replace the fatally dropped Olympus. I just do not know how I can justify getting the $800 Sony that has given me a huge case of 'camera envy'???? That kind of money would take a powerful lot of sewing to earn and then there is none left in the bank to use for aid!! Guess until that problem works itself out I'll have to keep getting bottom dollar on eBay :(
Big favor of my blog friends....can those of you who have little girls offer up opinions on what type of unique clothes on which I should concentrate my time and attention? Please feel free to pass on my link to any friends you know who buy this kind of custom sewing for their children so I can get their input too!! Up until know I've gone for the super fast and easy holiday outfits with the thinking that since I know I can't command top dollar at this time at least I can go for quantity. So far, they've almost all sold but not for enough over costs to realize much change in the "Guatemala Account".

These are the two latest creations. This first is typical of what I've been doing up until now...a pillowcase style top with little matching capris($25-$40 depnding on fabric selection and size). I use all cotton when I can find it but I do also use cotton/poly when the print is super cute. All of my seams are serger finished.

This 'Cute as a Cupcake' dress also is fully lined and has a sewn in eyelet slip(This one is a size 3 and I'm hoping for $40). My appliques are done with a real satin stitch! I can do matching bows too but must admit I'd rather be sewing than fighting with ribbons :)!

This is the 'kitchen' that Mari's birthmother cooks in....

...and this is the 'house' that they call home!! I have a strong emotional need to try and ease the hardship of their daily life! How much can I take from the third world in my selfishness without giving anything in return?? Sewing may not be the avenue that brings me the financial resources I need to help them but for right now it is what I have to offer. Since I am looking for honest constructive advise I'd ask everyone to look at what I've been posting on eBay. My eBay id is Drsilk1. Bring it on!!!

Because I'm itching to start a little Easter outfit with this fabric!!