Friday, July 30, 2010

[-7] + [-3] = RELIEF!!

First things first, I was gently reminded that I had omitted a VERY important family outing, organized for last Sunday, to derail the bad karma train! Classic example of just how different the priorities can be within one small family....

Guess to whom this outing was priority one??

Auntie Peggy drove and acted as photographer. Alyssa attended also as it came to our attention that her only experience with the racetrack involves the line  "Move your bloomin' arse!!"

I pretty much held down one of the shaded viewing stand seats all
afternoon (:

Julia's day was pretty much a win/win once she finally obtained a precious pair of  jockey's goggles!

In one of those happy coincidences of confluence, we discovered on our mini-vacation, that the Amish are very fond of purchasing retired race horses to pull their buggies! Nice to know that some get a chance to go on and live a long and drug free life.

Now on to today's topic!! I'm home from another round of doctor's appointments and happy to report that -7 stitches makes my wrist soooo much more comfortable. Add to that my new.....

and -3 inches brace making for pure relief!!!! The new brace is a lighter material and only requires a light cotton sleeve covering thus alleviating the hot, sweating itch I've been suffering the past week!

More of my hand and fingers are now free as well!!!! Was able to sign my own name for the first time in a week....can sewing be far behind???


  1. wow. that still looks uncomfortable. of course it was Julia who was ahppiest at the races.

  2. I was in your neck of the woods this past Sunday. Got stuck in Chicago due to plane problems. I had the best pizza EVER though!!! I want to go back one day to see the area.

    Love your sky pictures in your last post. Great shots!

    Congrats on getting more relief on your arm/hand!

  3. yay for the better hand/arm hey better is better sewing is coming, soon I would think. I do wish Julia lived close to us she would really enjoy it!
