How is it that only the female half of the species developed multitasking? Some days I am beyond frustrated at the cavalier attitude that my housemates take to job distribution. The conundrum is however, if I insist that the divas start multitasking then I condemn another generation of women but if I don't expect it then I am the only practitioner in this house! Christmas is looming and Santa isn't the only one with a long list you know.
Poor hubby went to work the PM shift this afternoon not sure how many of us he would find alive upon his return. The perfect storm hit this morning and he did his utmost best to keep the sparring parties in neutral corners but too much conspired against him! Let's see, two very hormonal females at opposite ends of the fertility spectrum, grey and drizzling weather, my weirdly rare Compressed Loop Syndrome acting up, and too much to accomplish in one day on the agenda with tomorrow not promising any relief. You'd think by now these little ladies would see Mom staggering out of bed holding her head and know what was in store. It's been a couple of years now that I've had this freaky 'syndrome' which causes headaches coupled with severe ringing in the ears, vertigo, loss of smell, and sinus pressure and it's never a good day with those challenges. So you would think they would lay low and hope it passes quickly? You would think that but apparently tweens have no long term memory capabilities!!
Besides the usual parent/child conflict, the diva extraordinaire has decided it's time to pursue her Hollywood career plans! Tomorrow she anticipates auditioning for the local children's theater production of The Wizard of Oz. Simple really, only 16 bars acapella of a song of their choosing and a 20 SECOND recitation of a nursery rhyme. Problem is that this is my frozen with fear perfectionist who ended up quitting the competitive dance that she so loved after four years because she could not handle the stage fright!?!? Break a leg Mari dear!!
On a more positive note, one of the dancers who promised to send me a picture of herself in the costume I made for her actually did it! They all promise to but none ever follow through. Thanks B and congrats on your win!

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