Sunday, March 29, 2009

The weather...wait a minute and it will change!

Had a baby shower today and this is what I found when I went out to leave. Spring....sort of. I told you a while back that I'd probably be lamenting another snow storm and sure enough here it is but this is just annoying not depressing. Old man winter just needs to get over himself and let spring take over the show. We've seen that spring wants to make an appearance it just can't quite kick winter off the stage yet!
Looks pretty on the bare branches which luckily had not bloomed just yet.
The poor tulips and daffodils were not so lucky :(


  1. visit please!!! And if you notice the poll i put up, then vote for Kindo!!!!!!!!1

  2. Burrrrrr!!! Looks cold! I hope the tulips make it!
    Stay warm and hopefully you'll see better weather soon!

  3. We were cool enough for long sleeves today, but man I welcome the spring because we have been WAY too hot!! I'll be calling you later with some crazy updates!!

  4. Just saw your link over on Rhonda's blog. Do you make clothing for sale anywhere besides ebay?

  5. hi i saw that rhondas little one had a outfit by you on...what is your ebay site???

  6. All I can truly say is "poor you" :-( Hate that white cold stuff, don't care how pretty it is!!!!
