Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Personal Picasso!

It's not like I intentionally leave so many loose ends in my posting. Life just seems to flow faster than I can row sometimes and by the time I reach a calm harbor the promised follow-up and/or pictures seem passe. So when earlier this spring I posted about my budding artist having one of her projects selected for display in our town's art museum I promised a picture....

check this one off the 'to do' list! My teeny, tiny preemie who only seemed to care about the regular arrival of her pacha is now an artist in residence... who blew us away with in depth descriptions on the differences between Van Gogh and Picasso! When did this happen???...and how did she get so comfortable using oil pastels???? Sigh....


  1. That is a super cool picture! One of these days I better buy a print before she gets to be too big of an artist!
    Great work!

  2. She did a wonderful job!! Way to go Julia!!

  3. wow no kidding how is she so good and so young! Arent' you lucky your house will be full of wonderful art!
    No you aren't citified, its called a John Deer Gator, she also has a hand me down 4 wheeler but its not as fast, so why would she want to ride that???? Mailed Mari's bracelet yesterday, before we went to the library where Maya got thrown up all over, hair to shoes, I'm a bad mommy who made her kid stand there while I was trying to control my dry heaving and make sure I didn't throw up like the poor little girl who did.

  4. that's an beautiful piece of artwork. no wonder it was chosen for the museum! yes, you've got an artist there.
