Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lame excuse...

Sorry friends! Lame excuse I know but the blog has gone to the bottom of my priority list lately due to a very busy schedule. The sun is again on vacation somewhere else in the world so I'm pushing to get a few more outfits done so they can be photographed the next time it comes to visit. Besides the usual chores I'm squeezing in five doctors/dentist appointments and three soccer games into three days...ahhhh gotta love the end of the school year! As a change of pace I will be working on three Irish dancing dresses in the next couple of weeks. I'll be sure to keep you updated with pics...hopefully the dancers will check in here to see the progress rather than calling to come in person!!!! Also, could I ask any one with a little extra good karma to share it with Julia right now? We've sent off the packet to the searcher who's looking for her birth family. It's always a risky move because one does not know if our actions might place the birth mother in harms way or, if found, will the new relationship be a positive relationship? We are using the positive outcome of Mari's birth family search to guide our actions. Really, Julia just wants to see a picture of her birth mother so the bar isn't set too high so here's hoping that S can find them after 8.5 years!


  1. praying for the search for julias bmother!!!! I struggle with that too since abbys bmother was abused!!!!


  2. Sending lots of positive karma for Julia that things will turn out positive. One never knows how it will turn out or if the birth family can be found. Keeping toes and fingers crossed :-)
