While Bridget was toiling in the fields of Ireland to send her sisters to America, another family driven from that land by starvation generations before had made their new home in Chicago. Ironically, just as George and Margaret Sullivan started their little family the Great Depression reared it's vicious head. Suddenly a generation poised to grab their American dream was pushed to the edge of survival. Hungry bellies and threadbare clothes accompanied the young Sullivan children to school every morning but to school every morning they were sent! One wonders sometimes just how fate impacts the trajectory of a life? The eldest child was a whip smart daughter with a backbone of steel who talked her way into school at four years of age. I do believe that born in my generation, this woman of the depression could very well be one of the jurists being considered for the Supreme Court opening!!! But the fates do not do our bidding and when World War II erupted during her high school years she went off to work instead of college.
Returning soldiers and sailors meant lots of weddings and Loretta Sullivan joined her peers in creating the Baby Boom!! The backbone of steel never softened nor bent and all nine of her children were EXPECTED to get an advanced education even without financial resources!! Her children number nine only in the legal definition and even then one of the nine was denied the piece of paper due to his age! Over 63 wards of the state slept under her roof at some point in their battered lives and some decided to keep hanging with her crazy crowd. The definitions of brother, sister, and family were far from 'traditional'!! In a uniquely Irish tradition, the daughters were expected to do as well if not better than the sons..before the ERA there was the Irish mother!!! Barbie was forbidden in my youth as she epitomized the glorification of physique over intellect. Men were for companionship and love not support and domination. Cheerleading was 'beneath' us Irish girls since it was idolizing macho males instead of competing with the intellectual men. Marriage should come AFTER you have seen the world and made a career.......little did we know the consequences of those decisions!
Now in her eighties, Loretta is showing some signs of bending. The backbone of steel is brittle but the spirit never wavers. I have her name as my middle name and ruefully I must admit the comparisons can be very close more often than not! As her eldest daughter I have the best and the worst of her in me but since the Best far exceeds the Worst I'm delighted to call her my Mom!
How do you actually 'thank' God for this woman?!?! Mercifully we were blessed to find Josefa, the woman who's selfless love for her daughter made me a Mom! Another woman in my life who worked hard under extreme circumstances to keep her family alive. Twelve babies to feed and raise on less than a dollar a day does not make for an easy life! Like Bridget who watched as those pieces of her heart emigrated, Josefa watched five of her twelve babies leave in the arms of adoption lawyers! How great must be your trust in God and mankind that those five babies would find a loving family and a better life? Only time will tell how her strength and my guidance will shape Mari but in the meantime we both get to love her!
Then there is Leda! The foster mother who held our Mari close to her heart for the two years it took to slog through the legal process. This picture was taken on the occasion of our return to Guatemala to visit with baby Julia and it is beyond obvious the love this woman shares with Mari!!!! Yet another woman in my life who toils in a bitter vineyard where the fruit of your labor leaves for another family in another country!

So I saw the world....sort of....and I had my career. The lovely son of Bridget O'Mahony came my way and we married. Then it became apparent that our delayed lifestyle had cost us parenthood! A very brief dabble in the field of fertility proved not to be the answer for us. The physical and financial toll of fertility treatments with no child guaranteed was not how we wanted to proceed. So where does that leave us? Do we just become the 'fun' Aunt and Uncle and continue to travel the world? Do we want to wade into the emotional quicksand of adoption? ....and then Patrick opened a fateful e-mail!! Somewhere far away in a country called Guatemala there was a little toddler hoping to find a Mom and Dad.
"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them." Desmond Tutu

On this Mother's Day we are waiting for another miracle! Life in Guatemala is not long and the fates are not kind to the Mayan people but can it be possible that after eight years one can find yet another poor woman?....
Sadly, this is all we have in the way of a photo of Julia's mother. A dark and smudged Xeroxed copy of the DNA Polaroid taken on April 2, 2001. This is Julia. Yep, unbelievable as it can be we received a call from the attorney the morning after Julia was born telling us that our new daughter was born and that the birth mother was giving us the gift of choosing her name!!! With absolutely NO knowledge beforehand I called Patrick at work and told him we had TEN minutes to pick a name before the attorney had to go and register the birth. We wanted a name that fit in both the Hispanic and Irish cultures so after tossing around Anna and Rita we decided on Julia. Two weeks later when we opened the referral packet it just JUMPED out at us...."Julia Margarita, daughter of Julia..."!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Rev. Tutu, this was God's gift to us! Now that we can be blessed to find her alive and well..............
Marina, too, works in that bitter vineyard! Julia's foster mother 'only' needed to care for Julia for six months before the adoption was completed but she did it with all her heart and it shows!! Julia was clearly a well loved and secure baby when Marina placed her in my arms that summer morning in July 2001 as well as WELL FED!

So here we are on this Mother's Day with all the schmaltzy media coverage and I'm thinking this year I'll just sit sit back humbled by the acts of the women in my life who've done more than I can ever hope to do...and in doing so made me a Mom!
What a awesome post! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! I loved reading every word!
ReplyDeleteHappy Mother's Day!
Suzanne, This is an awesome tribute to the mother's who have made your life as it is today!! I'm praying Julia's birthmom will be found!!